Cottage cheese is a popular and trending ingredient thanks to cottage cheese recipes that have gone viral on the internet this past year. Cottage cheese is an ingredient that is particularly popular in the United States right now. If you live outside of the United States, you may need some help trying to figure out how to convert 1 cup of cottage cheese to grams.
In the United States (where I am from), we use cups and tablespoons while most countries use the metric scale. Grams are commonly used for measuring mass and milliliters are used for measuring basic liquids. A US-metric conversion is needed when trying to figure out how many grams are in 1 cup of cottage cheese.
How many grams are in 1 cup of cottage cheese?
One cup of cottage cheese equals about 228-250 grams. Cottage cheese can be different textures and can contain variations in water content. Keep this in mind when trying to convert 1 cup of cottage cheese to grams. For instance, if the cottage cheese you are using has fluffy texture with minimal liquid, you have the potential of using more cottage cheese than the US recipe actually needs since you would need more of it to hit the 250 grams.
On the back of the cottage cheese brand that I use, the serving size is ½ cup. It says that ½ cup is 114 grams. Using this as a reference, 1 cup of this particular brand of cottage cheese would equal 228 grams. This is slightly less than the standard that one cup of cottage cheese equals about 250 grams.
The good news is, as a general rule, recipes that use cottage cheese are usually very flexible with the amount of cottage cheese needed to create the desired result. If you are using cottage cheese when baking, it is important to try to get the US to metric conversion as accurate as possible though.
US vs. Metric Preference
Weighing ingredients actually makes a lot more sense than measuring things like cottage cheese in the traditional American way. Using the metric system would produce more consistent and accurate recipes since the actual amount of an ingredient wouldn't have extreme variations based on how much a cook decides to smash into a steel measurement cup.
What are your thoughts? Do you prefer the US measuring scale or the metric scale?
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