Aldi sells a variety of coffee blends and brands, so what is the best Aldi coffee?
The best Aldi coffee is ultimately a personal preference. Do you use K cups? Do you love a good cold brew coffee on a hot summer day? Do you enjoy flavored coffee? Or are you just looking for the best medium or dark roast coffee blend?
Which Aldi ground coffee is the best?
It can be overwhelming selecting a new coffee you have never tried before. Here is a short list of the best Aldi coffee according to general categories. This information is loosely based on comments found on Redit threads and Facebook groups. Use it as a starting point for selecting a coffee that meets your personal preferences.
- Best Whole Bean Coffee - Simply Nature Fair Trade Organic Whole Bean Coffee: Peru
- Best Coffee for Espresso - Cafe Bustelo
- Best Flavored Coffee - Barissimo Hazelnut Ground Coffee
- Best Dark Roast Coffee - Barissimo French Roast Ground Coffee
- Best All-Around Ground Coffee - Specially Selected Premium German Roast Regular Ground Coffee
What brands of coffee does Aldi sell?
The great news is Aldi sells a variety of coffee brands. A lot of these brands are private-label brands. However, Aldi shoppers love the Aldi coffee selection based on Aldi coffee reviews. Aldi sells these coffee brands:
- Barissimo
- Beaumont
- Friendly Farms
- Simply Nature
- Specially Selected
- Cafe Bustelo
- Califia Farms
- Nestle
- Starbucks
- SToK
Is coffee good from Aldi?
Aldi coffee has good reviews. The coffee from Aldi is an affordable option since Aldi tends to be cheaper than most standard grocery stores while still selling comparable products. Aldi sells Regular Buy coffee, which is coffee you kind find throughout the year. Aldi also sells seasonal coffee that tends to be flavored to correspond to the current season or holiday. For instance, Apple Crisp flavored coffee can be found during the fall months.
How much is coffee at Aldi?
As of 3/28/2023, Aldi coffee costs between $4.19 - $8.49 per package/container. A box of 12 K cups is $4.19. A 12 oz. package of Simply Nature Organic Whole Bean Coffee is $6.49. A 12 oz. package of Specially Selected Premium German Roast Coffee is $5.99. A 24 oz. container of Beaumont 100% Colombian Ground Coffee is $8.49.
Does Aldi sell decaf coffee?
Yes, Aldi sells decaf coffee. There is one decaf ground coffee option and two decaf K cup options:
- Barissimo Decaf Breakfast Blend (K cup)
- Barissimo Decaf Donut Store (K cup)
- Beaumont Decaf Classic Roast Coffee
Does Aldi sell K Cups?
Yes, Aldi sells a variety of K cup flavors. The K cup options have expanded over the years as consumer demand for K cups has increased. The packaging lists that the coffee cups are 2.0 brewer compatible. Traditional coffee blends like French Roast or a Breakfast blend are available. Aldi also sells two different decaf K cup options as well as specialty flavors like caramel cappuccino and French Vanilla.
What are the Aldi K cup flavors?
- Barissimo Breakfast Blend
- Barissimo Decaf Breakfast Blend
- Barissimo Donut Store
- Barissimo Decaf Donut Store
- Barissimo Fair Trade Midnight Blend
- Barissimo Fair Trade Columbian Blend
- Barissimo French Roast
- Barissimo Blonde Roast
- Barissimo Caramel Cappuccino
- Barissimo French Vanilla Cappuccino
- Barissimo Hazelnut
- Barissimo French Vanilla
- Barissimo Fair Trade Midnight Blend
- Barissimo Fair Trade Columbian Blend
- Simply Nature Organic Light Guatemalan
- Simply Nature Organic Extra Bold Roast
Does Aldi sell whole bean coffee?
Yes, Aldi sells two whole bean coffee options. The whole bean coffee is fair trade, single origin, and organic.
- Simply Nature Fair Trade Organic Whole Bean Coffee Peru
- Simply Nature Fair Trade Organic Whole Bean Coffee Honduras
Does Aldi sell organic coffee?
Yes, Aldi sells organic coffee. The organic coffee is sold under the private-label called Simply Nature. It is also fair trade, single origin, and sold as whole beans.
- Simply Nature Fair Trade Organic Whole Bean Coffee Peru
- Simply Nature Fair Trade Organic Whole Bean Coffee Honduras
Does Aldi sell ground coffee?
Yes, Aldi sells many different types of ground coffee. Many of these ground coffee blends can also be purchased in a K cup option.
- Barissimo Breakfast Blend
- Barissimo Donut Store
- Barissimo Fair Trade Midnight Blend
- Barissimo Fair Trade Adventure Blend
- Barissimo Fair Trade Single Origin: Sumatra
- Barissimo Fair Trade Single Origin: Guatemala
- Barissimo Fair Trade Single Origin: Columbia
- Barissimo French Roast
- Barissimo House Blend
- Barissimo Hazelnut
- Barissimo French Vanilla
- Beaumont 100% Colombian Ground Coffee
- Beaumont Classic Roast
- Beaumont Decaf Classic Roast
- Specially Selected Premium Roasted Regular Ground Coffee
- Specially Selected Premium Roasted Mild Ground Coffee
Does Aldi sell iced cold brew coffee?
Yes, Aldi sells cold brew coffee. The iced cold brew coffee options tend to be seasonal. More cold brew options are available during the warmer months of the year. Aldi also carries some name-brand cold brew coffee options. As of 3/27/2023, these were the following cold brew coffee options per Aldi's website:
- Barissimo Mocha Iced Coffee
- Barissimo Ready to Drink Iced Coffee (Coffee Latte, Mocha, French Vanilla)
- Califia Farms Medium Roast Cold Brew Iced Coffee
- Friendly Farms Mocha Iced Coffee
- Starbucks Unsweetened Medium Roast Iced Coffee
- Starbucks Vanilla Latte Iced Coffee
- SToK Cold Brew Coffee Unsweetened
Does Aldi sell instant coffee?
Yes, Aldi sells instant coffee. Instant coffee is arguably an inferior coffee choice, but it does have its perks. For instance, it is used in whipped coffee recipes like Dalgona Coffee for One.
Gary Karl Grimm
Sincerely wish Aldi‘s would start its own bakery!
Us Germans love our Brotchen small rolls and German Ryebread!
Pls offer frozen Brotchen if not freshly baked!
That is such a great idea! I do know Aldi has some stores with bakeries inside. I don't know if they sell brotchen or ryebread though. Here is a thread I found about it: